
Tax Payments
Tax Payments

1. Methods of payments

  • At the Guichet unique (at the Marie-Uguay Library)
    • By cheque
    • In cash
    • By debit card
  • Through your mortgage company (if applicable)
  • Through most banks and caisses populaires (please allow five business days):
    • Online via the website of your financial institution
    • Using an automatic teller machine (please enclose your payment slip)
    • In person at the counter
  • Through the mail
    • Make your cheque payable to “Ville de Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot”
    • Enclose your payment slip
  • At the counter of Town Hall:
    • By chequechèque
    • In cash
    • By debit cardcarte de débit
NOTE: When using your financial institution’s website to make an electronic payment, you must select the payee “Ville de Notre-Dame-de-l’Île-Perrot” and not “Ville de l’Île-Perrot.” Selecting an incorrect payee may delay your payment and lead to interest charges.

2. Deadlines

The payment deadlines for 2025 taxes are February 21, May 22, August 20 and November 18.


3. Interest and penalties
A 12% annual interest penalty applies to payments received after the payment deadline. An additional 0.5% penalty is charged for each complete month that the payment is late, to a maximum of 5% annually, until your account has been paid in full. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that the Municipality receives the payment by the deadline.
4. Service charges
Note that a service charge of $10, the cost of banking fees, will be added to your account if your bank does not honour your cheque.

Tax payers can pay their tax accounts online, using the services provided by the financial institutions :